Friday 24 June 2011

(New) Paintings...?

Last week I went back to my old school to see this year's Art, Fashion and Photography Exhibition; and to collect the remaining bits of Art/Fashion work that I've left behind, turns out that there were still a pile of sketchbooks left even though I've already been back once before already. Seeing all the paintings exhibited brought back the desire to pick up my paintbrush again - having abandoned it for about a year now... I looked through all the photos I took before for all my Art projects, and found the one I used for my AS exam final piece. I loved the image, but I didn't paint it too well in the exam (and gave it to my model to use it for her own project) so I've decided to re-paint this one - in oils this time. Also, for the summer project for my Foundation course, I did another oil painting, but it was a bit hard deciding which image to be my final, and this one (with the mask) was one of those that I liked out of the whole set, so I re-edited it and decided to paint it again.

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